Day 2 of 30 (Pre-Boycott Phase)
Members of Chicago's Southside Bodybuilding Club met today with fellow students at Chicago State University to discuss ways to promote the planned MHP Boycott. Members of SBC are also trying to get on the agenda of a fitness-based club at DePaul University for a meeting next week. Although the club's secretary claims "the agenda is full at this time," we received notice early this morning that there may be a chance to get a ninety-seconds during that groups "Special Notices" section towards the end of the meeting. Members of SBC are also trying to secure permission to handout fliers and speak to students of Chicago's Malcom X College intramural activities.
"It's of critical importance to spread the word to key members of our community across college campuses, especially here in Chicago"
CSC Member Since 2001
In the event that IFBB stars like Gustavo Badell, Victor Martinez, & Adela Garica opt to remain silent for the almighty buck, we shall continue on with this effort. In a recent video showcased on, MD's Gregg Valentino can be seen impersonating 8x Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman. While the mere impersonation is not the issue - or - even the content, there seems to be a special emphasis placed on Coleman's southern African American accent, as well as implications douting the man's intelligence, eloquence, and [alleged] lack of sophistication. Despite Valentino's friendship with Coleman, there seems to be markedly racist overtones in this clip, but what totally unambiguous is the "MD" stamp of approval on the upper left hand side.
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