Jimmy Pellechia: More Hate on No Bull Radio...

"No Bull Radio" spent a great deal of time in this week's show trying to debunk rumors that its hosts Dave Palumbo & John Romano are racists. Romano asked several guests in a disastrous show culminated by the much-talked-about No-Show of JIM LORIMER, coupled with a third-tier impersonator doing the voice of The Oak 'live from California.' This program has always been a distant generic version of PBW and I suspect the trail will only increase in size & scope.
Naturally neither host brought up the issue of racism with either Dexter Jackson or Victor Martinez, instead opting for the very Southern & very White Branch Warren. Special guest Jimmy Pelluchia also went on to add that each race/nationality has something it was made for:

African Americans --> Or simply "blacks" as denoted by Pelluchia. Here the No Bull Radio personality stated that blacks are great for athletics and bodybuilding. Another one of those backward-type racist modicums that just doesn't seem to go away. The kind of egghead that sees African American students on a college campus and assumes they're all there on athletic scholarships.
Hispanic-Latinos --> Pelluchia stated that Hispanic-Latinos, with emphasis on Mexicans are by trade (race-wise) meant for DOMESTIC and LANDSCAPING work.
All the while Dave Palumbo & John Romano laughed uncontrollably.
John Romano seems to be the ring-leader and mastermind behind furthering the pseudo-racist new direction of the program, asking [white] guest-by-guest whether or not he [or Palumbo] are racists. It was Romano who said one week ago, "if I want to be a racist I can be."
****This content comes one week after Mike Quinn used N-bombs referring to African Americans & a week after Gregg Valentino stated on MD-TV that Mexicans have cleaning in their blood.
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