Muscular Development & Gregg Valentino
MD has had a rough past, it went from a magazine that celebrated Natural Bodybuilding into an era where it celebrates the illicit use of anabolic steroids and showcases the likes of Dave Palumbo & Gregg Valentino, two convicted drug dealers & ex-cons. In fact, MD has lowered the bar to the point where "having done time" is actually a positive in a growingly seedy, back-world environment.
Talk of Growth Hormone, Esiclene, implants, insulin mis-use, testosterone, and homemade brews are all at the fingertips of just about any adult (or child), in newstands across America and Canada.
From the looks of the magazine's tenure with Gregg Valentino, it seems that assertions of "Filthy Puerto Ricans" and quotes of "Mexicans having cleaning in their blood" will set the bar for the new gray area of depravity, of "acceptableness," leaving very little to the imagination in what shock value is left, where will they go from here?
The Hispanic-Latino community must not act, our time is to REACT! We have already been attacked twice, many times in the MD's hardcopy, now on MD's TV, and if the attitude of Palumbo, Romano hold any water, it'll only be a matter of time before MD's radio-waves are saturated with such speech as well.
We call on Hispanic-Latinos, African Americans, all minorities and our friends, to spread the word. If our demands are ignored, we will Boycott MHP 27 days to go before we carry out our action. We hope MHP & MD will demand Valentino apologize and stop this type of humor in the future.
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