Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jimmy Pellechia: More Hate on No Bull Radio...

"No Bull Radio" spent a great deal of time in this week's show trying to debunk rumors that its hosts Dave Palumbo & John Romano are racists. Romano asked several guests in a disastrous show culminated by the much-talked-about No-Show of JIM LORIMER, coupled with a third-tier impersonator doing the voice of The Oak 'live from California.' This program has always been a distant generic version of PBW and I suspect the trail will only increase in size & scope.

Naturally neither host brought up the issue of racism with either Dexter Jackson or Victor Martinez, instead opting for the very Southern & very White Branch Warren. Special guest Jimmy Pelluchia also went on to add that each race/nationality has something it was made for:

Jews -- > doctors & politics (the KKK & Neo-Nazi groups have been rallying behind a conspiracy theory titled "ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government), which seemingly sounds very much like what Mr. Pelluchia is implying). Notable bodybuilders like Mike Katz might find Mr. Pelluchia's comments 'interesting' to say the least.

African Americans --> Or simply "blacks" as denoted by Pelluchia. Here the No Bull Radio personality stated that blacks are great for athletics and bodybuilding. Another one of those backward-type racist modicums that just doesn't seem to go away. The kind of egghead that sees African American students on a college campus and assumes they're all there on athletic scholarships.

Hispanic-Latinos --> Pelluchia stated that Hispanic-Latinos, with emphasis on Mexicans are by trade (race-wise) meant for DOMESTIC and LANDSCAPING work.

All the while Dave Palumbo & John Romano laughed uncontrollably.

John Romano seems to be the ring-leader and mastermind behind furthering the pseudo-racist new direction of the program, asking [white] guest-by-guest whether or not he [or Palumbo] are racists. It was Romano who said one week ago, "if I want to be a racist I can be."

****This content comes one week after Mike Quinn used N-bombs referring to African Americans & a week after Gregg Valentino stated on MD-TV that Mexicans have cleaning in their blood.

Republished @ "IFBB Forum"


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